About Me

I'm a fast talking feisty southern girl who fell in love with my best friend, Derrick, and we have three kids: Cole is 9, Molly Kate is 7, and Caroline is 5 years old. We're a God-fearing, sports loving family, who can often be found at the local soccer or baseball field, or wherever kids eat free that night!

In my past life I worked in retail management and had a customer service job at the local hospital. Those jobs were fine, and I really like helping people, but things finally fell into place when Cole was 2 and Molly Kate was a newborn, and I got to begin my dream job as a stay at home mom.

Then a couple years later we added Caroline to the mix and I found myself at home with a 4 year old, 2 year old, and newborn. This is when I really started reading blogs. It was a way to connect with people and not feel so alone since I only had babies to talk to all day. However, I noticed a major recurring issue. Most of the blogs I read suggested adorable items, but these items were not in my budget.  I feel like there's a need for bloggers who suggest budget friendly items from stores that are accessible for us small town girls. I've had friends ask me to help them pick out clothes for years, so I wanna be that friend for y'all, and share when I find a good deal or an item you can't live without.

When I have down time, I'm a huge tv watcher, I like shopping online (obviously), and browsing Pinterest. I love country music and going to concerts. On a typical Sunday afternoon you'll find me folding laundry and watching sports with my husband. My family and friends mean the world to me. I have a huge sweet tooth, and I hide and eat candy so I don't have to share it with the kids! A Diet Coke from McDonald's or coffee from Starbucks can totally make my day. 

Hope you enjoy this little piece of my world and find something to relate to! Thanks for stopping by!

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